
Why does my photo have a low resolution warning?

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  • When you see a warning symbol after inserting a photo into your design, it means that your image has too low of a resolution to print well in your chosen design. A photo may be flagged as low-resolution when downloaded from a website, taken on a phone or camera with the photo size set too small, or it’s a proof photo from a professional photographer. If you choose to continue placing an order with a low-resolution image, your final printed product may be pixelated or blurry.
  • If you are working with a low-resolution photo, we recommend using the original file, straight from the camera You can also zoom out, so that the image is smaller, if it works for your design.
  • Resolution conveys the number of pixels in an image. Resolution can be described by the width and height of the image or the total number of pixels in the image. For example, images that are 433 pixels wide and 687 pixels high are written as 433x687 pixels and contain a total of 297,471 pixels. When your photo has a higher resolution, your file size will be larger.
  • To avoid a low-resolution warning, find your pixel dimensions then divide your pixel dimensions by 300. That gives you the maximum dimensions, in inches, that your printed photo size can be (e.g For a full bleed 5" x 7" card, your photo's dimensions should be at least 1500 x 2100 pixels).

EngagementPhotos.jpg  FamilyPhoto.jpg
To upload a photo while customizing:
  1. Select one of the  icons on your design to Add a Photo.
  2. Your photo tray will appear on the left side of the screen.
  3. Choose from existing photos, or select Add Photos.
  4. Choose which files you would like to upload.
    1. Tip: You can upload multiple photos to your photo tray at once by holding the Command (on a Mac) or Ctrl (on a PC) key to select several files for upload.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Your newly added photos will appear in your photo tray.
  7. Select the image you wish to insert into your design.
  8. Click Done to add the photo to your design, or Edit to zoom, rotate, add a filter, or auto-enhance your photo.
  9. Once you have made your edits, click Save to confirm your changes and add the photo to your design.

TitleWhy does my photo have a low resolution warning?
URL NameLow-Resolution-Photos

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